2010年9月15日 星期三








1. 在迫不得意的情況,可能要先到急症室處理。不過,如之後未見好轉,還是再看私家較為穩妥,畢竟急症室的資源、時間都有限。

2. 媽媽的功勞永遠最大。每晚固然要經常起身查看靜舒,又要獨力應付靜舒不肯吃藥的問題。在知道媽媽找到方法令靜舒吃藥的一刻,爸爸的確認為這值得頒個諾貝爾獎。


4 則留言:

  1. Good to read 靜舒 is getting better.

    If I were 靜舒, I might have stopped drinking water/milk too after tasting the, probably awfully tasting, medicine. I also wonder if the med syringe has to be looking so threatening too (no wonder she tried to fight it off). (note: sure, the syringe measure med level with a precision but but I do wonder if it is too much.)

    I do agree with the doctor who does not mindlessly prescribe med (especially anti-biotics). It is easy for doctors to give some med, charge extra money, while knowing fully the meds won't do much good (e.g. if it is viral like common cold). So finding a good doctor that won't mindlessly give needles and unnecessary meds is important for the long run.

    Dear little 靜舒, you are in good hands. :)

  2. Thanks, Kempton. The mdeicine didn't taste awfully. It was sweety, instead (yes, I can always smell it closely). The syringe is used to help injecting the medicine into baby's small mouth (actually ching shu's mouth is big enough to use spoon, but her mother think using the tool is easier) and she get used to it.

    I think the most possible reason is that she was angry about how she was treated. Let's share with me how to make little baby take medicine, so that I can try next time (touch wood) :)

  3. Sorry you think that I am an expert. :) I am not really any expert.

    But since reading your comment and feeling the guilt of the undeserved praise, I managed to find some good info and I will email you an interesting chapter entitled "Giving My Child Medicine". Something I found from New York State Department of Health which seems to give some good and practical advice. I will also email you some other interesting links I manage to find.

    Again, I am not an expert and shouldn't really be mistaken as one. :)

  4. 作為父母的我,完完全全明白你在這篇日誌中的心情。尤其當你說想頒諾背爾獎給她媽媽時,更是心同感受。希望靜舒健健康康,不要再嚇爸爸媽媽了。

